Thursday, January 4, 2018

Guardian Angels

   Animal Companion Guardian Angels <3 

    All animal companions pass away eventually no matter if its a horse, dog, cat, bird, rabbit, etc. We all deal with loss differently. Death is a part of life... but so is rebirth and healing from the loss. In the past few years I have lost most of my childhood animals mostly from old age but it makes me feel sad that my animal teachers who taught me so much as a child... teenager.. and young adult are not in this plane of existence anymore. 

    All of my childhood animal companions I loved and still love deeply. No matter if an animal passes away of old age or not its still a difficult loss. The hardest loss for me though out of all of them happened February 5, 2014. My Quarter Horse, Joe passed away at the age of eleven unexpectly. It was difficult for me because I felt he didn't live a full life. I still forget that it's been four years since he passed. As the years have passed since that icy cold February day I moved to Indiana to finish my Animal Behavior degree and work on my career life about eight months after he passed away. I believe now that everything truly does happen for a reason but that doesn't mean I don't feel numb about knowing he passed away so young. At that  time in my life I recently ended a long mentally and emotionally difficult relationship. For them five months that I had Joe in my life after that  break-up I talked to Joe and put all my feelings out to him without no judgement and horsey humor. Them five months Joe the horse was my therapist, best friend, and supporter through a time in my life that was an emotionally rough time. Thank you JoJo, I'm eternally grateful. 

   Why do us animal lovers always continue to adopt and save animals?... because they give us unconditional love, friendship like no other, and a sense of life with nature. 

Whoever is reading this I hope you believe in some higher source, no matter if it's God or gods because I know for a fact my animal companions who passed away are right here with me everyday through my pictures I have around my house to having a sense their near me in certain situations. What I hope you get from this blog is to grieve, heal, and believe that your animal companions are always right with you even if you can't see them. Keep the faith they're watching over. Remember you watched over them for their earth walk. 

                    In Loving Memory of..... Muffy the Minuature  
                                   Passed Away
                                                                                             January 4, 2018
 Rest In Peace

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